Interface IMarkmapJSONOptions

Portable options that can be derived into IMarkmapOptions.

interface IMarkmapJSONOptions {
    color: string[];
    colorFreezeLevel: number;
    duration: number;
    extraCss: string[];
    extraJs: string[];
    fitRatio: number;
    initialExpandLevel: number;
    lineWidth: number | number[];
    maxInitialScale: number;
    maxWidth: number;
    nodeMinHeight: number;
    paddingX: number;
    pan: boolean;
    spacingHorizontal: number;
    spacingVertical: number;
    zoom: boolean;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


color: string[]
colorFreezeLevel: number
duration: number
extraCss: string[]
extraJs: string[]
fitRatio: number
initialExpandLevel: number
lineWidth: number | number[]
maxInitialScale: number
maxWidth: number
nodeMinHeight: number
paddingX: number
pan: boolean
spacingHorizontal: number
spacingVertical: number
zoom: boolean